I joined the Y in Lafayette. If anyone wants to exercise with me I would live the company and the encouragement and challenge of kicking your butt ( ok you will probably kick mine).
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I could tell you that FAT means Flexible, Available, Teachable. While I pray I am those things, in this case it means I'm packing a little (70 pounds) extra bagage. So in light of that fact and the family history of heart problems I have decided to start a lifestyle adjustment. I'm not calling it a diet because that means it's temporary. This will need to be permanent. I need to get down to 200 pounds and I'm 270 now. So my goal is to loose 1.5 pounds a week for the next 52 weeks for a total weight loss of about 70 pounds. I will workout 3 times a week as well as change my diet. No more coffee is a necessary sacrifice as well since caffeine has a negative effect on my weight. So each week I will post my success or failure. At the beginning of the week I will post my current weight and my weight as of a week ago plus my net weight loss or gain. Pray for me keep with it so that I can live a long life with my wife and kids.
Oh yeah, sorry but no pictures. I am just not comfortable with that much of in public.
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Oh yeah, sorry but no pictures. I am just not comfortable with that much of in public.
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Saturday, March 27, 2010
10 in 10 Haiti Team Video
Here is the video of the week. This video was shown in the Sunday morning service.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The last entry of the Haiti team
Well this is the last blog entry for team Haiti. It has been a great week. Thank you for your prayers and support. And thank you all for following our trip.
Serving HIM
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Serving HIM
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Our stuardess on the MFI flight
We have landed in Florida
Well we have arrived in Florida. It feels great to be home. Most of me is thinking about the many Haitians who are left behind in a situation they likely will never get away from. How blessed I am to enjoy a life that is simple and comfortable.
Now we are off to the hotel for check-in and dinner then a little rest before we have to be at air port at 4:30 am. Were all anqious to see our families.
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Now we are off to the hotel for check-in and dinner then a little rest before we have to be at air port at 4:30 am. Were all anqious to see our families.
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Heading out today
Well were boarding the plane looking back on Haiti for the last time on this trip. God has given us all a love for the Haitian people. We all will return in God's good and perfect time. Our piece of our hearts are going to remain here in prayer for this nation. Be assured that Gods work is continuing here in a great and mighty way. Thank you all for your prayers, and support of our families while we were gone.
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Monday, March 22, 2010
Allyce has a blister
Went to visit an orphanage under construction
We went to visit idedee orphanage this afternoon. What a great place this will be for kids. It's going to truly be a refuge for parentless children. With just another $240,000 they can finish the orphanage in 6 months and start caring for kids.
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Passing out hats, crocs and food bags
We passed out about 325 crocs and all the hats that the Chaffee family donated as well as 240 bags of food.

-A line out the door waiting for food and shoes and hats

A woman holding a bag of food and trying on crocs to find her size.

Unloading the truck at the dispensing site.

The food that we collected is used to make food bags similar to our Haiti Christmas bags. We unload the food from the containers and seperate all the items. We use a bag and place several items like peanut butter, spaghetti, dried milk, beans, rice and a creole languge bible. This is what we did. So our food was getting directly into the hands of the Haitian people. Very cool!!!
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-A line out the door waiting for food and shoes and hats

A woman holding a bag of food and trying on crocs to find her size.

Unloading the truck at the dispensing site.

The food that we collected is used to make food bags similar to our Haiti Christmas bags. We unload the food from the containers and seperate all the items. We use a bag and place several items like peanut butter, spaghetti, dried milk, beans, rice and a creole languge bible. This is what we did. So our food was getting directly into the hands of the Haitian people. Very cool!!!
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Getting ready to hand out crocks
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Earthquake in Haiti
Hey everyone,
By now you all may have heard that there was an earthquake here in Cap Haitian last night. While non of us felt it, it did cause some damage. A home near saint ange's church collapsed killing two and leaving others trapped. We have not heard about anything else. We are fine and there was no damage to the facilities where we are staying. Keep us in prayer. Tomorrow we are going to pass out 240 food relief bags which should feed at least 1000 people. It's been quite a priveledge to be here this week.
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By now you all may have heard that there was an earthquake here in Cap Haitian last night. While non of us felt it, it did cause some damage. A home near saint ange's church collapsed killing two and leaving others trapped. We have not heard about anything else. We are fine and there was no damage to the facilities where we are staying. Keep us in prayer. Tomorrow we are going to pass out 240 food relief bags which should feed at least 1000 people. It's been quite a priveledge to be here this week.
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Saturday, March 20, 2010
Surgery for little Rose
Rose has two hernias. One includes her belly button. They are extremely painful and are life threatening. She has to have surgery here in Haiti, which is VERY risky to say the least. We visited the hospital and I would take my chances without treatment in that place. Her mother, Martinique, has no support from the father and is one her own. The surgery is $2000 Haitian dollars which is about $267 American dollars. We are leaving enough money behind to cover the surgery and after care for little Rose. If the hospital and doctors findout that there is American money backing this little girl the price will skyrocket, so our financial support is in secret through some back channels. It is possible that there could be additional costs. I will stay in contact with Don and Karen on her progress and needs and pass on not only updates but financial needs as well. So far the Haiti team has covered her expenses as far as we can predict. Pray for Rose, it is so heart wrenching to see this little girl in soooo much pain. I held her in my arms as she slept and we prayed. There is no pain medicine here for Rose.

Rose-Maychda Christma (Rose).

You can see her belly button sticking up a little. When she is awake and crying it is massive. She has two of these. The other is near her groin area.

Rose-Maychda Christma (Rose).

You can see her belly button sticking up a little. When she is awake and crying it is massive. She has two of these. The other is near her groin area.
Videos not working
Well it's official. The videos will nit upload from Haiti. The satelite Internet just isn't capable of doing it. So we will continue to make the videos each day and we will upload them all on Tuesday afternoon when we arrive back in Florida. Thank you for your prayers. Here in Haiti we are learning to rely on them more than anything.

Today was a day to relax. We went to the Haitian market and bought souveniers and then to this resort for a nice lunch and an afternoon of swimming.
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Today was a day to relax. We went to the Haitian market and bought souveniers and then to this resort for a nice lunch and an afternoon of swimming.
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Friday, March 19, 2010
Update for Team Hait 3-19-2010
Today was an extraordinay day to say the least. We went and delivered food to 275 families. Thats probably inpacting the life of over 1000 people. his country is a tropical paradise full of beauty. No wonder Christopher Columbus said it was so beautiful. Enjoy the video.
We made it with Gods help
We left this morning on our task of feeding 200 families in an area that just yesterday was the sight of a spiritual battle. Our hosts were nervous taking us here today. The Lord brought driving rain which was his way of protecting us. The rain tends to calm the people and many won't come out in the rain. This kept people fairly calm. We still had almost 1000 people lined up for only 200 bags of food. At one point I had to ask one of the missionaries to help me with three girls who were begging for food. They clung to me as if it was their last link to life. I could not get them off of me so I had to ask for help. We are now back at the dorm and planning our next move. Many of us on the team feel that God was testing our faithfulness last night and today. In our faithfulness to his command today we were protected and delivered home safely. Thank you all for your prayers.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Everyone. We learned today that the school and orphanage we are going to tomorrow had a severe incident today. 200 students arrived at school this morning and started thrashing around. This is going to sound outrageous to everyone at home but to us here it's believable and true. Theses children were demon possessed. This area specifically has been a stronghold of Satan for many many years. Our missionary hosts are apprehensive to take us there tomorrow. But we have decided that god wants us to go tomorrow and feed the people. We are placing our trust in His protection and believe that this is what we are to do. Please pray as we all believe that God has a plan and Satan is desperate to stop it. That places a HUGE target on our back tomorrow. Pray pray pray!!!
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Hait Team Update for Thursday 3/18/2010
Hey everyone,
We are going to try the video again. I think we found a way to get it uploaded in a reasonable time frame. I hope you all enjoy the video. It is about 6 minutes long. We love you all and miss our families. Brad has announced that he is extending his trip here by 6 weeks. Hah Tammy. Just kidding. Although I believe he would if he could. Enjoy the video.
We are working on the video malfunction. Please be patient as we try to fix issues here in Haiti. Thanks. Dave
We are going to try the video again. I think we found a way to get it uploaded in a reasonable time frame. I hope you all enjoy the video. It is about 6 minutes long. We love you all and miss our families. Brad has announced that he is extending his trip here by 6 weeks. Hah Tammy. Just kidding. Although I believe he would if he could. Enjoy the video.
We are working on the video malfunction. Please be patient as we try to fix issues here in Haiti. Thanks. Dave
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Haiti team update for 3-17-2010
Hey everyone. Today we split into two teams. One team went to the ebac orphanage and school and ghelped tutor children who were in need of some help. The other half went on an outing that left them in a "MOOD" that is hard to explaine. Lets just say it was quite an adventure. Hope you all enjoy the photos.
Unloading the food from the truck. We still need to seperate it all out and prepare it for delivery.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Update for 3/16/2010
Well we tried to upload a video but it timed out after 2 hours. It seems that we are not going to be able to do videos. We will try pictures tomorrow.
We went to visit the ebac orphanage today and played with the kids. They swarmed every one of the team members and wanted to hold our hands and asked if we could be friends. There is already so much we want to share with you when we get home and we havent even been here a full day.
We will keep updating and hopefully we will have photos for tomorrow.
We went to visit the ebac orphanage today and played with the kids. They swarmed every one of the team members and wanted to hold our hands and asked if we could be friends. There is already so much we want to share with you when we get home and we havent even been here a full day.
We will keep updating and hopefully we will have photos for tomorrow.
We have arrived
Hey everybody,
We have arrived at the dorms where we will be staying for the week. We unloaded and are settling in. The things that we have seen driving through town is just ...... I just don't have any word to accuratley describe it. Watch for the video later tonight and you will see for yourself.
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We have arrived at the dorms where we will be staying for the week. We unloaded and are settling in. The things that we have seen driving through town is just ...... I just don't have any word to accuratley describe it. Watch for the video later tonight and you will see for yourself.
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Arrived in Haiti
Were here and all went well. Now we have a long drive to the compound where we will be staying. Looks like rain too so I think were going to get wet.
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Making a pit stop
Landed in the Bahamas to refuel the plane. Then another 2 hours to Haiti.
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Monday, March 15, 2010
Here is our video diary for 3-15-2010
So here is our vidoe update for today. Thank you for praying. Keep those prayers coming. Tomorrow we fly into Haiti. Did you see that plane? This is most definitley going to be an adventure. Well we will se you back here tomorrow night. There should be some amazing footage, Tyler is going to sit in the cockpit of the plane and video our approach and landing into Haiti. Don't miss it.
10in10 Haiti Team
10in10 Haiti Team
Holding My Breath
It's funny or weird or something. I'm on the plane to Florida and I'm squished in my seat listening to my ipod with my eyes closed. I keep finding myself out of breath. This is weird because I'm just sitting here. So I started to pay attention. I'm holding my breath. And no I'm not affraid of flying. I don't know what it is but my body is obviously reacting as we grow closer to Haiti. I feel like I'm about to see my bride on our wedding day as she walks down the isle. No honey, you are still far more to me. But it's amazing to find myself holding my breath. God shurly is going to do some things in Haiti that will only be labled as a mirracle. WOW! Am I really here?
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5 ways to make your teenager indifferent to God
In youth ministry, one of the hardest things I’ve had to experience is leading students into a growing relationship with Jesus, while their parents are doing the opposite. In a lot of cases, the parent wants the best for his/her teenager. It’s just that their definition of “best” might not match up with mine. There are some hard-and-fast rules to engage if you don’t want your teenager to care about God.
The following are just a few.
1. Make sure their extra-curricular activities are priority over church. You should always make sure that their scholarships are intact, and that they don’t get kicked off the team. That’s definitely more important than their relationship with Christ and eternity, for that matter.
2. When your teenager screws up, ground them from church. Of course! If they don’t care that you take away their TV, cell phone, or friend time, hit them where it hurts. Take away church. Yeah – that oughta do it.
3. Don’t call them out when they need guidance. Always let them make their own mistakes. And if they’re about to do something super-destructive, it’s probably best that they learn on their own. Because learning it the hard way is always the necessary path, right?
4. Talk negatively about your church staff around your teenager. If your pastor messes up, make sure that you call a family meeting to roast him. You should definitely let your teenager know that people can’t be trusted, especially incompetent church leaders. Your teenager needs to know that trusting church leaders isn’t smart! If they don’t trust church leaders, there’s a small chance they’ll ever accept God’s direction in their life. And that’s the safer way to live.
5. Don’t model real faith. At the end of the day, the last thing you want to do, if you want your teenager to ignore God’s voice, is to follow it yourself.
Please know my heart on this issue. We parents need to be leading our families to Jesus every chance we get. Maybe it’s time to take inventory of who or what we’re actually leading our families to.
After all, actions speak louder than words.
Borrowed from the National Youth Ministry blog network and Mark Cox. A fellow youth ministry worker and kingdom warrior.
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The following are just a few.
1. Make sure their extra-curricular activities are priority over church. You should always make sure that their scholarships are intact, and that they don’t get kicked off the team. That’s definitely more important than their relationship with Christ and eternity, for that matter.
2. When your teenager screws up, ground them from church. Of course! If they don’t care that you take away their TV, cell phone, or friend time, hit them where it hurts. Take away church. Yeah – that oughta do it.
3. Don’t call them out when they need guidance. Always let them make their own mistakes. And if they’re about to do something super-destructive, it’s probably best that they learn on their own. Because learning it the hard way is always the necessary path, right?
4. Talk negatively about your church staff around your teenager. If your pastor messes up, make sure that you call a family meeting to roast him. You should definitely let your teenager know that people can’t be trusted, especially incompetent church leaders. Your teenager needs to know that trusting church leaders isn’t smart! If they don’t trust church leaders, there’s a small chance they’ll ever accept God’s direction in their life. And that’s the safer way to live.
5. Don’t model real faith. At the end of the day, the last thing you want to do, if you want your teenager to ignore God’s voice, is to follow it yourself.
Please know my heart on this issue. We parents need to be leading our families to Jesus every chance we get. Maybe it’s time to take inventory of who or what we’re actually leading our families to.
After all, actions speak louder than words.
Borrowed from the National Youth Ministry blog network and Mark Cox. A fellow youth ministry worker and kingdom warrior.
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Sunday, March 14, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Micah performs a concert
Oh he is so cute. Micah sings for us with the motions.
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
The ride to the top
I'm getting ready to leave with our team to Haiti in a few days. Were all packing, praying and fumbling everything we do because our minds are already in Haiti. I have been spending alot of time trying to prepare myself mentally for this trip. I was told last night by one of our team members that this is in vain. He told me that there is no way to prepare myself for what I am going to see. I guess mabye it's like riding a roller coaster, even though I have a pretty good idea what it's going to be like when I reach the top, there is nothing that can be done to truly prepare for the feeling of falling 15 stories at an incredible rate. I am anticipating being in the midst of something great. I am just beside myself because I don't know what to do to get ready. So I pray and pray and pray. Please pray for me and the rest of the team. We will need his guidance and his
wisdom and his compassion.
Oh Lord. I want to be broken for you. I want to be a man that is full of compassion for others and I want a heart that beats for the lost. Lord increase my faith and my reliance on you.
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wisdom and his compassion.
Oh Lord. I want to be broken for you. I want to be a man that is full of compassion for others and I want a heart that beats for the lost. Lord increase my faith and my reliance on you.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Religion V/S Regeneration
What's the difference between being religious and being born again? If we are to be born again than is religion something that we invented? Are they the same thing or are they different? Just wondering how much of what we do day in and day out is "religious" and how much is because of a relationship. What is genuine love for the Lord and what is "religious" repetition or obligation or expectation? Whew! Lots to ponder. Let me know what you think.
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Location:Indiana 25,Lafayette,United States
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