Monday, August 19, 2013

Fighting for me

There have been many days in my life where I don't feel like my family really cares for me. It's the little things they don't do and often never have done. It just really comes down to fighting for me. Girls in high school want a boy to fight for her heart. A wife wants her husband to fight for her love and affection. The idea of someone fighting for you is huge for all of us. I am blessed beyond measure, don't her me saying I'm not aware of that. But when it seems an entire portion of your birth family isn't willing to fight for you it hurts. And then throw in there a parent and its like a knife to the heart. Yesterday at church we sang a song with the words "our God is fighting for you always". It's been ringing in my ears ever since we sang that sing. What joy and tears I have because of the truth I have clung to for so many years now that the God of heaven is fighting for me and will never stop. It makes we want to run into his embrace and cry for joy. What a father I have.